Smallville, season 4
Clark [as Kal-El]: I am Kal-El of Krypton. It's time to fulfill my destiny.
Martha: Destiny?! That's Jor-El talking! He did this to you! I want my son back! Give me my son back!
Clark [as Kal-El]: Clark Kent is dead.
[Bumps into Lana]
Jason: Oh, sorry. Your American, right?
Lana: Yes.
Jason: Great. Can I ask you a big favour?
Lana: long as it doesn't get me arrested.
Jason: No, I'm supposed to meet my, uh, my girlfriend here. Well, she's not really my girlfriend, even though we spend every waking moment together. See, we met two months ago today on this exact street corner, and I bought her something to mark the occasion. I wanted to get your opinion.
Lana: All right.
Jason: Okay.
[He takes a biking helmet out of his bag]
Lana: Well, I think that would probably be the last thing she would be expecting.
Jason: It doesn't really scream "romance" does it? But, see, the first time we met, I was driving by on my Vespa, and I clipped her. She thought I was gonna steal her purse so she kicked me off my bike. I messed up an old football injury and then she spent five hours with me at the hospital and we just clicked.
Lana: Well, it sounds like love at first crash.
Jason: Yeah. Well, for me it was anyway, but I'm just an impulsive kind of guy.
Lana: Well, how does she feel?
Jason: I don't know. She doesn't really talk about it. I think she, uh, I think she got hurt by somebody, but maybe she needs to talk about it.
Lana: Well, uh, nothing says "I love you" like a motorcycle helmet.
Jason: Yeah. It's for a weekend trip to Nice if she's... if she's interested.
Lana: If a guy did something that romantic for me, I think I'd have to kiss him.
Jason: Yeah?
Lana: Yeah.
[They kiss]
Clark: Um... we usually take turns in the bathroom.
Lois: Oh, don't start with me, Smallville. You're the one taking the marathon shower. Besides, my delicate feminine sensibilities weren't offended the first time I got a glimpse of, uh, Clark Junior.
Clark: My parents kind of missed the whole Woodstock phase. Besides, they freaked out the last time they caught me in a co-ed situation.
Lois: Last time? So the eagle scout does have a few secrets in the closet.
Lex: Does this mean you're talking to me again?
Clark: Only because I don't have a choice.
Lex: Relegated from friend to last resort. I guess I'll have to accept it if it's my only chance to prove myself.
Clark: Good. 'Cause I want you to help me find Chloe.
Lex: Look, I'd like to set things straight between us, Clark, but don't you think raising someone from the grave is setting the bar a little high?
Jonathan: Clark, as much as I hate to admit this, Lex had a hand in this too. He did make good on his promise to protect Chloe.
Clark: And look what he got out of it. Control of LuthorCorp. Look, I'm sorry, but it's gonna take a lot more than that for me to get to trust him again.
Martha: Ever since he met you, he's been surrounded by things he can't explain. We can't really blame him for trying to find the truth.
Clark: The truth is, he's been lying to me from day one. The legend on the cave wall says I'm destined to have an enemy. All this time, I've been worried about Lionel. But I'm beginning to think that the real threat was right in front of me. I think it's Lex.
Lois: Nice arm, farm boy. When's the first game?
Clark: I'm not on the team.
Lois: Why not? An arm like that is a "Get out of geek free" pass.
Clark: Well, even if I wanted to play--
Lois: Which obviously you do.
Clark: That wouldn't be the reason. Thanks, I don't really consider myself a geek.
Lois: So, what do you see yourself as?
Clark: I don't know. An outsider, I guess.
Lois: That's a recipe for wedgies if I've ever heard one.
Clark: [sarcastic] Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?
Chloe: Five credits in one semester? Lois, the only way you're gonna do that is if you add an extracurricular to your class list. Like, say, maybe... writing for the Torch.
Lois: Uh, no hard feelings here, cuz, but unlike you, the last thing I want to be is a reporter.
Chloe: Yeah, God. What could be worse than, you know, uncovering the truth and protecting the public?
Lois: And sticking your nose in other people's business.
Chloe: Like I said. You'd be perfect.
[Lois walks into the boy's locker room]
Clark: Hey, hey! The last time I checked, you were missing a few prerequisites for being in here.
Lois: So you have been checking me out.
Lana: I keep thinking of all the times that you've told me that I'm beautiful, and I can't help but wonder how much of me you really see.
Jason: Lana, I tell you you're beautiful because of who you are, not because of what I see. I mean, you're the girl I flew halfway across the world to be with. The girl who kicks the crap out of me at XBox and thinks it's hysterical. I mean, I have seen you with the stomach flu where your eyes were puffy and your nose was running, you're yakking--
Lana: Okay, okay. I get the picture.
Jason: All I'm saying is the reasons I love you... it's not something you can see in a mirror... That's good. I'm gonna write that down and use that later.
Lois: I'm glad you made the team, Clark, but why be a conformist? At least with the whole farm boy plaid thing, as lame as it is, it completely belongs to you.
Clark: In the future, let's restrict our conversations to "hello" and "goodbye."
Lois: You know, if I could describe my time here in one word, it would be "weird." I look forward to the relative normalcy of the big city. But don't worry. I'll visit.
Clark: Is that a promise or a threat?
Bart (Flash): [to Clark] You know, I've always wondered if there was anyone out there like me, and it turns out to be you, Jimmy Crack Corn fresh from the farm.
Clark: You haven't been listening to anything I've said to you. You can't go around stealing whatever you want.
Bart: Why not?
Clark: Because there are laws.
Bart: For normal people. And, dude, why do you treat your abilities like a curse? They're not, man. They're a gift. I'm gonna use them.
Clark: I'm not saying you shouldn't. Just use them to help people, not hurt them.
Lionel [in Clark]: I have to confess that I... I find you absolutely fascinating. It's that twinkle in your eye... your wonderfully sexy smile... and your skin is...
Chloe: Clark, what are you doing?
Lionel [in Clark]: What I've wanted to do for a very... very long time. [leans to kiss her, then pulls away] Don't you wish.
Clark [in Lionel]: I know this is hard to believe, but I swear, it's the truth. [Pause.] It's me, Mom. It's Clark.
Martha: You're sick, Lionel. You need help.
Clark [in Lionel]: Mom, you have to believe me.
Martha: I'm leaving!
Clark [in Lionel]: Mom, Mom, no! Mom, remember when I was six and I was playing tag with Dad, and all of a sudden I started running faster than I'd ever run before, and I was in the middle of Palmer woods completely lost. And you and Dad had to call Sheriff Ethan, and when you saw me, you started crying. And I thought something was wrong with me, and you said no, there wasn't. And then you held me in your arms and you told me I was just special. I'm your special boy, you said.
Lex: Stay where you are!
Clark: Lex, it's me, Clark. I need to talk to you.
Lex: After I drove my Porsche into the river and you fished me out, I asked your dad if there was any way I could repay him. What did he say that we always joke about?
Clark: Lex, what is this, a pop quiz?
Lex: Answer the question!
Clark: He told you to drive slower.
Lex: Welcome back.
Clark: Dad, I know you don't agree with me. But sometimes taking responsibility means having faith in yourself to make the hard choices.
Jonathan: And it also means being willing to accept the consequences.
Clark: Every handshake, every hug, every time I'm out on that field, I make a conscious decision to fall when those guys hit me so they don't get hurt. No matter how hard you try, you can't understand that. That's why it's my decision, not yours.
Jonathan: You're starting to sound more and more like your father.
Clark: I hope so, Dad.
Clark: Hey, Dad!
Jonathan: Hey, Clark. Son, is there maybe a little something you'd like to tell your mother and me?
[Jonathan holds up bra]
Martha: Where did that come from?
Jonathan: From out in the barn. In the hay.
Martha: Clark...
Clark: It was magic.
Martha: I'm sure it was...
Clark: Isabelle was... aggressively sexy.
Lana: Oh great, possessed by an evil slut...
Briana [in Lois]: I'm gorgeous! [touching her chest] Look at these!
Isabelle [in Lana]: [uninterested] Yes. They're very nice.
Lex: I didn't kill her.
Corinne: I didn't ask. Lex, you're paying me to get you off, not to prove you're innocent. But you're gonna have to be straight with me. Were you drinking last night?
Lex: Yes. At the fundraiser in the hotel. We had champagne.
Corinne: Is it possible that you were drugged?
Lex: Well, it wouldn't be the first time.
Martha: I hope our own fears haven't gotten in your way. I would hate for you to look back and regret not telling the people closest to you. I mean, there is a chance Lana would understand.
Clark: There is. But what if she didn't?
Jonathan: Clark, look, I'm not sure that it's Lana, but I am sure that someday there'll be someone you can tell.
Minister: We are gathered here to join this happy couple in holy matrimony. Marriage, as you know, is a union that should not be entered into lightly.
Clark: Yeah, yeah, skip to the good stuff, Pops.
Minister: Oh, all right, do you, Clark Kent, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Clark: Hell, yes!
Clark: You drugged me!
Alicia: No, it's not-- I just didn't know what else to do because I couldn't stay, and I couldn't leave without you so I just thought you could listen to your heart instead of your head for once.
Clark: Look, you don't even see what you did was wrong! What's the matter with you?
Alicia: Clark, you could've hooked up with any girl you wanted and you chose me. Why do you think that is?
Clark: You dosed me with red kryptonite! It makes me do things I don't want to do!
Alicia: No, I don't think that rock forces you to do anything, Clark! Maybe it dampens your inhibitions, but Clark Kent got himself into this situation, okay? Clark Kent asked me to marry him. Clark Kent brought me up to this hotel room to make love to me.
Clark: Well, maybe Clark Kent made a mistake.
Alicia: I'm so sorry about what I did to you, Clark. I just didn't want to lose the one good thing in my life.
Clark: I'm not so sure that drugging me was the best way to preserve the relationship... I wanted you with or without that rock.
Alicia: Past tense noted.
Clark: Alicia didn't do this. Ever since she was released from Belle Reve, she's been wearing her lead bracelet. It prevents her from using her abilities.
Lois: And did she also happen to be wearing anything low-cut when she spun you that tale, 'cause I'm not sure you're thinking with your big brain here.
Chloe: Clark, just because Alicia says that the bracelet keeps her from teleporting doesn't mean that it's the truth.
Clark: She was with me when Lana got attacked. I was saying good night in Grandville.
Chloe: Yeah, but every second? You have to admit that she can transport easier than Captain Kirk.
Lois: And she did try to carve herself a Jack-O-Lana before, cut and dry. Emphasis on the "cut."
Jonathan: Son, your girlfriend has problems and this relationship is not healthy. Why can't you see that?
Clark: You always told me to look for the good in people, to believe in them. And Alicia deserves a second chance.
Martha: What I don't understand is why do you continue to see her, knowing how we feel?
Clark: She kept my secret. She got shot protecting me. What else does she have to do to prove herself?
Clark: Everybody thinks it's you.
Alicia: Why, because of my powers? Because I'm a freak? You know what, Clark? Maybe if everybody knew your secret, you'd be a suspect too.
Chloe: How did you post bail?
Lois: Four very good friends of mine. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
Clark: I want to believe that I can go out there and play football like any normal college kid, but the fact is, I have powers that no other athlete has. Coop was right. It's not fair that Geoff was out there on that field, just like it's not fair when I'm out there competing. So I've decided to give up football.
Martha: Clark... I know how difficult it is to give up something you love.
Jonathan: But this decision you've made son, it shows integrity well beyond your years.
Clark: Then why don't I feel good about it?
Clark: So what're you gonna do? Are you gonna go stay with Chloe?
Lois: They've got a tiny one-bedroom apartment. I can't do that to them. It's fine, really, I'm just gonna check into a motel and when the money runs out, I can always sleep in my car. The backseat's not too bad if you bend your knees and avoid the drive train and then, you know, if I have to sell my car for food, that's okay too. I've always dreamed of being a hobo, riding the rails, cooking beans over roadside fires...
Clark: If you want, I guess you can stay with us.
Lois: You're a lifesaver! God, am I in need of a hot shower! Don't worry, Smallville. I'll try to keep it under a half hour.
Clark: What just happened?
Chloe: I'm proud of you, Clark.
Clark: You're proud of me? Why?
Chloe: I just have a feeling that you're destined to do a lot more in this world than just score touchdowns.
Clark: Chloe, you've been saying a lot of weird things to me lately. What makes you think I'm destined to do anything?
Chloe: Just a hunch.
Clark: Just playing with Skippy here.
Lois: We're not gonna call him Skippy.
Clark: Okay, Lois, what would you like to call him?
Lois: Let's see. He's annoying, and I can't seem to get within ten feet of him without getting sick... I think we should call him Clarkie.
Clark: We found this dog.
Lois: Actually, I found him. Well, hit him actually. Not hard. We call him Clarkie.
Clark: We don't call him Clarkie.
Lois: Is it the "ie" part you don't like? Because we could always just make it Clark. But then that would get really confusing, and hey, maybe you should consider changing your name. You could be Skipper.
Clark: Lois, call the police. I'm gonna see if I can catch up with these guys.
Lois: Hold on there, Forrest Gump. What are you gonna do, run? We brought my car, remember?
Clark: Lois, look--
Lois: Unh-unh. We can call the cops on the way. You are so weird sometimes.
Clark: [later, in the car] You know, can you go a little bit faster?
Lois: Hey, you were gonna be hoofing it about ten minutes ago. Besides, I don't want to hit anything.
Lois: I thought bathing him was supposed to help with my allergies.
Clark: Well, maybe you're allergic to the soap too.
Lois: Maybe I'm allergic to you.
Clark: Lana, what's going on?
Lana: Which part? The immaculate tattoo, the fact that I seem to be a harboring a 16th century witch, or that Jason and Lex took off with a map to uncover it all behind my back?
Clark: Why would they do that?
Lana: I don't know, but Jason said that we were gonna figure this out together. But it turns out he has a rather limited definition of “we.”
Clark: Lana, whatever their motives are, I'm sure they still care about you.
Lana: That still doesn't change the fact that everybody seems to know more about me than I do.
Clark: It must be scary to think that someone out there has a plan for you, but you don't know what it is yet.
Lex: Two Lanes under one roof. That's got to be interesting.
Clark: Well, I haven't had a hot shower in two days, and the laundry machine is running nonstop, the phone line is consistently busy. No, it's nice having them around. I mean, it kind of takes the loneliness out of the house.
Lex: Yeah, I always hated the sound of a quiet home.
Clark: I knew you had talents, but I didn't think burglary was one of them.
Lucy: I swear I was gonna pay it all back. I'm not some criminal.
Clark: You do a pretty good job of impersonating one. Look, Lucy, I just don't get it. I mean, why?
Lucy: Do you have any idea what it's like to be different from everyone else? To be a total outsider?
Clark: I might have an idea.
Clark: Lex, do you ever miss not having a sibling?
Lex: I used to... until I met you, Clark. You're closer to me than any... blood brother.
Lois: You're amazing, Smallville. You always look for the best in people even when they walk all over you.
Clark: I guess that explains why we're friends.
Lois: Oh, we're friends now?
Clark: Well, I won't tell anyone if you don't.
Clark: Chloe, I was with Lex. We went to the lab together.
Chloe: Which would be about the same time I was talking to Lex outside Dr. Sinclair's room.
Clark: Well, that's impossible.
Chloe: Not in Smallville. You of all people should know that.
Clark: Where's Lex?
Alexander: He's standing right in front of you.
Clark: No, you're not him. The real Lex would never try to kill me or Chloe.
Alexander: No, you're probably right. But he's thought about it! All the times you've meddled in his plans, derailed his ambitions. He's thought about killing all of you. He just never had the guts to go through with it.
Clark: What are you?
Alexander: I was just about to ask you the same question.
Lex: Let's see what happens to me if you die!
Alexander: You can't kill me! I drive you. I give your life meaning. I'm your soul, you weak, pathetic little man! I'm the real Lex Luthor!
Lois: Mrs. Kent, a lot of things are possible in this world, but there will be a man on Mars before Clark and I go to Prom together.
Dawn [in Martha]: So what, you two just get together and mack, but keep it on the down-low in public?
Clark: Mom!
Lois: I don't mean to be rude, Mrs. Kent, but did you crack open the cooking sherry?
Chloe: Well, we are in Smallville. And I mean, what would the Senior Prom be without a body-snatching Prom Queen?
Lois: What the hell am I doing in a dress, and what the hell am I doing at your Prom?
Clark: Oh, no...
[Lois points to the corsage pinned to her dress]
Lois: Did you pin that on me?
Clark: I'll explain later, Lois.
Lois: A little close to the boob, don't you think?
Clark: Who am I?
Lois: Clark, you know that.
Chloe: Well, not so much. He has amnesia, and he's having a hard time—
Lois: Again?
Clark: What do you mean again?
Lois: Well, at least this time you got clothes on.
Chloe: I'm gonna go to the Torch and see what I can find out about amnesia.
Lois: Yeah, just leave Mr. Memory Reboot to me. I'm getting to be a pro at this. [to Clark] But you know what? You're gonna have to put up with PB and J because that's the extent of my culinary skills.
Chloe: [to Clark] Okay?
Clark: Please tell me I'm not related to her.
Chloe: No, I am. You live with her.
Chloe: Hold on a minute, are you telling me that you can see through solid objects?
Clark: I guess that's one you didn't know about, huh?
Chloe: No, and that might be one of those abilities you're gonna want to keep a lid on.
Clark: You know, I've been thinking about that. You know, I don't know why I was worried so much about what people think. I don't know why I let it rule my life. I mean, you understood.
Chloe: Yeah, but Clark, unfortunately, some people in Smallville aren't as progressive as your post-amnesia tour guide.
Clark: That should be their problem, not mine.
Clark: So it must've been kind of strange to have a zombie best friend walking around.
Chloe: Yeah, I mean, you know, I never really realized how complicated that zombie's life was.
Clark: Complicated? Did I do something unusual?
Chloe: You had a clean slate to start all over with, and you made all the same choices... except for one.
Clark: Chloe, I need you to be completely honest with me.
Chloe: Honest, huh?
Clark: What'd I do?
Chloe: You trusted me.
Clark: Dad, you raised me to make my own decisions. Why don't you trust me on this?
Jonathan: Because you are a lot like me. I had a full ride to Met. U. waiting for me when I graduated. Problem is, my father needed me on this farm. So I stayed.
Clark: Dad that's a pretty big footnote to leave out. Why didn't you tell me?
Jonathan: I didn't want it to weigh you down. As much as I loved my father, a part of me still resents him for needing me that much. I don't want you to feel that. That's not the kind of father I ever wanted to be.
Clark: Dad. This isn't about the kind of father you are. It's about the kind of son I want to be.
Lois: Look, I know we've had our disagreements in the past. And I will be the first to admit that I've made it my own little hobby to bust your chops.
Clark: I'm used to it. Besides, I know I haven't been the most gracious host.
Lois: Look, I just want you to know, Clark, that when I'm sitting in the audience today at your graduation and you stand up on that stage in front of all those people, I'm gonna be looking up at you and thinking one thing.
Clark: What's that?
Lois: Please, God, don't let him trip.